What does your coffee choice say about you? - Jamaica Blue NZ
What does your coffee choice say about you?

What does your coffee choice say about you?

Jamaica Blue in partnership with MONIN celebrate Caffeine Appreciation Month with a fun interactive Coffee Personality Quiz

Jamaica Blue in partnership with MONIN, is inviting coffee-lovers everywhere to discover some of the quirks in their personality by taking its Coffee Personality Quiz. Launched during Caffeine Appreciation Month, the quiz reveals in a fun way what your choice of coffee says about you.

“Aussies are known for their love of the cappuccino, followed closely by the latte and flat white,” says Simon Au-Yeung, Head of Coffee Training at Jamaica Blue. “That said, the piccolo latte made with a ‘Ristretto’ shot of coffee is growing in popularity — especially later in the day when people are going for their third or fourth cup and still want that bold coffee taste and caffeine hit, but with less milk and calories.”

Aside from their preferred choice of coffee, Australians know quality and have high expectations.

“That’s why we are seeing demand increase for limited edition, ethically sourced coffee from specialised farms across the globe, be it a single origin or seasonal blend.”

“And dare I say, that is why some baristas will throw out a coffee and remake if they, or the customer, are not satisfied. A good barista knows how to get the maximum flavour from the bean – amongst variables like the dose, the tamp and the grind. To make a good ‘Espresso’ coffee the barista needs to ensure the coffee extraction flows like a strand of spaghetti – not to thin and not too thick because this can affect the flavour and strength of the coffee,” added Simon.

So what’s your go to coffee and what does your choice say about you?

Are you are Trendsetter, Social Butterfly, Culture Vulture, Flirt, Thinker or a Boss? Take the Jamaica Blue & MONIN Coffee Quiz to find out https://coffeequiz.jamaicablue.com.au.

Eight coffee personality types have been identified:

The Trend Setter: As the coolest cat in your circles, it’s all eyes on you, all the time! You’re as charismatic as you are comfortable, and never afraid to try new things.

The Social Butterfly: You’ve got nearly as many coffee dates as notifications, but you wouldn’t have it any other way. You’re bright, friendly and can lift the mood of any room you walk into.

The Culture Vulture: Your life is like your own private festival, curated by you! Recommendations are your currency, and you’re the one person everyone wants on their trivia team.

The Thinker: You’re open minded, flexible and love a healthy dose of time-out throughout the day. When you’re not pondering the complexities of the universe, you’re the friend that everyone’s turning to for advice.

The Flirt: You have an uncanny ability to make everyone around you feel important, and brighten up the lives those around you with your killer smile, and spicy sense of humour.

The Chiller: You’re the type of person for whom “no worries” has become a personal motto. You’re easily pleased, and always take the time to enjoy all of life’s little moments.

The Boss: You’re a no-nonsense taskmaster, who gets things done, and your effortless swagger wins the respect of your peers every time.

The Juggler: You’re a worker bee who thrives on the buzz of everyday life, and your multitasking abilities are the envy of those around you. Your time is valuable, and you don’t waste a second.

Take the Jamaica Blue & MONIN coffee quiz and find out what your choice of coffee reveals about you.



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