Our latest Single Origin Coffee is Honduras Aprocasol Natural.

What is “Single Origin” you ask? 

When referring to coffee, single origin means the coffee beans have come from one region, as opposed to a blend. A roaster can then highlight specific flavours that are unique to certain farms or regions. This opens up an incredible world of coffee flavour with every sip. 

Introducing our Spring Single Origin – Honduras Aprocasol Natural.

This coffee is from the SOLCAFE Association in Western Honduras. It’s certified FAIRTRADE, RAINFOREST ALLIANCE and ORGANIC.

It uses the Natural Anaerobic process, a process only used for special coffees!
During this process only ripe red cherries are put in sealed tanks after picking, oxygen is then removed and replaced with carbon dioxide. This lack of oxygen and pressure forces juices and sugars into the bean. Once the cherries meet certain tests they are then dried on patios or in greenhouses.

Upgrade your coffee drinking experience with our latest single origin coffee from Honduras. This limited time coffee features interesting tasting notes of boozy whisky, raspberry, orange and a nutty (warm) spice finish.

Available to purchase at any Jamaica Blue cafe and online for a limited time only!

Country of origin

Coffee character

Uses the natural anaerobic process. Once these beans are brewed, you will taste notes of boozy whisky, raspberry, orange and a nutty (warm) spice finish.

Notes of boozy whisky, raspberry, orange and a nutty (warm) spice finish.

To serve:

Espresso or milk coffee.

Our Coffees
